Photographer and Elle blogger Felicia Masalla

Felicia Masalla


Felicia Masalla has a very clear vision. Growing up, she had a hard time finding girls and women in media she could identify with and trough her photography she aims to change that. “Representation have a strong influence on how girls see themselves. I strive to portray us women as we are, not as society expects us to be. In the future, I dream of continuing to create photos that I hope will help change our media landscape and how women are portrayed.”
Representation have a strong influence on how girls see themselves. I strive to portray us women as we are, not as society expects us to be.
Felicia grew up in Stockholm, Sweden. After a sejour in Bali where her career kick-started, she’s now back in Sweden working as a full-time photographer with clients such as Levis & ELLE Sweden and H&M. She has developed her own style that is forward-thinking and at the same time warm & genuine. Felicia is primarily inspired by other young female photographers who have succeeded in a previously very male-dominated industry, such as Carlota Guerrero & Renell Medrano. Through her commercial work and art photography Felicia uses her voice to advocate for diversity and at the same time, shows she’s a force to be reckoned with.


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