Dutch photographer Mirko Westerbrink

Mirko Westerbrink


With one foot in Germany and the other in the Netherlands, Mirko Westerbrink has the entire Europe as his base. His assignments range from smaller fashion jobs to large automotive campaigns and therein lays his strength as a photographer. Regardless of the setting, he naturally manages to capture something that feels genuine. A light retouch, often almost non-existent, is also one of his trademarks. All to create as authentic images as possible and thus convey a sense of closeness.
The passion became a hobby that developed into a full-time job.
Mirko was born in Germany but raised in the Netherlands. In his twenties he returned to Germany, more precisely the vibrant city of Berlin, but recently moved back together with his family to the countryside in Netherlands. Mirko has since his childhood had the camera over his shoulder. The passion became a hobby that developed into a full-time job. Nowadays he lets his passion lead him to new jobs in exciting places. Experiencing different places and cultures is something that has developed him as both a photographer and a person.


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